61st Annual Meeting International Association Dental Student and Young Dentist Worldwide
61st Annual Meeting IADS Lecture Contest
IADS SCORE Committee kindly invites you to participate in 11th Lecture Contest, which will be held in 61st IADS AWDC, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Submit your most interesting research project abstract to iso@iads-web.org, and get involved in this friendly scientific competition. The presentations will be assessed by a Jury composeof 4 renowned dentists. The winners of the first 3 places will be awarded with a pair of dental loupes from UKLoupes. Don't miss the chance to show yourself for the first time on an international stage, which may be the start of your carreer as an international speaker!
Deadline for absatract submission : July, 15th 2014
Notification of selection : August, 25th 2014
Egibility: Dental Students and Young Dentist
Abstract Rules:
Individuals may present only one abstract
The submitted work must be original research project
Individuals can co-author multiple abstract
Abstract must be subbmited via email to iso@iads-web.org in doc/docs format
Gorkem Sengun